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A. Lababidi

Updated: May 14, 2019

Its not everyday you get to do what you love, but when you do it sure feels great. I don't think I've come across a mechanic that didn't have a die hard passion for working on cars. Theres almost always a story, as kids they dismantled radios and controls intrigued to know how they work, first cars were barely road worthy in the hope to restore them and they found sitting at a desk difficult as they just need to be doing something with their hands. The sad truth is most mechanics hate where they work yet stay, out of love for what they do.

  • The set hours each day on routine

  • They find management breathing down their backs watching every move

  • They have set duties day in day out nothing much changes

  • They dislike the work shop echo of noise

At pulse mobile mechanics culture is number one. Our environment solves all the normal pains felt in a workshop. People have to enjoy coming to work otherwise you end up that person, you know the “All I do is sleep, eat and work”.

One of the most rewarding parts of the job is connecting with customers. Maybe its the fact that our customers are happy and always so impressed with the time we save them being mobile opposed to frustrated customers with long wait times in workshops. Meeting new people everyday across Sydney is just one of the pros of being a mobile mechanic.

You ought to feel valuable and appreciated for the work you perform.

If you love what you do and would like to do it somewhere that brings you more joy and more money find out how you can become a part of our team. Contact or call 02 87315010

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